Thursday, September 25, 2008

Casting call

Gabe got his cast off today. He'd been complaining of not feeling well since having the cast put on, he'd been rather listless and a bit "down" Today when they took the cast off they discovered the reason. He had a blister the size of my thumb on the outside of his heel and TWO blisters on the arch of his foot. The poor little guy was in pain but didn't know how to tell us. If we had known he was blistering they would have taken it off right away. He gained 6 degrees of motion, which is good, but he'll need another cast to get him back to "normal" they, of course, cannot do that until his blisters have healed completely. Poor little muffin :( On a positive note, he turned himself into a prune tonight in the about a happy kid!

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