Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's Probably His Cousin...

On the way home from taking Geo to work this morning, we encountered a deer. She was standing on the side of the road until we got closer and she darted in front of me. It's a great way to start the day, for sure, especially if you're Gabe. He was SO excited that there was a deer by our car, because it *had* to be a reindeer. He excitedly asked, "which reindeer is THAT one Mom??" I told him it wasn't a reindeer, just a white tailed deer-he thought about it for a minute then asked "are you SURE it wasn't a reindeer??" I told him no, it was a white tailed deer and that reindeer don't live in Illinois. He sighed and said "maybe that was cousin or something" I laughed and agreed, that yes, maybe it WAS his cousin. Goofy boy; he is SO into Christmas this year, and it's SO much fun :)

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