Saturday, May 29, 2010

Holy Pumpkins!

What does a week of 80+ degree days and lots of watering do for a pumpkin plant??

We've sprouted three new leaves and the plant has started to spread. If you look a few entries down, you'll see what it looked like just a few days ago. Crazy how fast it's growing. Can't wait for some flowers and itty bitty pumpkins to start growing. The rest of the garden is sprouting like crazy, our four different bean varieties are now about six inches high, our peppers and tomatoes, after being picked clean by the robins, have ALL started to grow new leaves and are doing well. No sprouting on the rows Geo planted, but I fully expect by this time next week, we will have itty bitty carrots, radishes, squash, and lettuce poking through. Crazy Geo has already decided to expand the garden next year...and we've JUST started this one :P

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