Sunday, May 2, 2010

More Garden-y Goodness...

This time in the form of *gardener* photos.

We've decided against raised bed gardens because a)I keep adding things that I want to grow and we're going to rapidly run out of bed space and b)they are pricey to build and we are at the tail end of paying down a BIG debt and don't have the cash to spare. We were going to rent a rototiller and till up a patch of the lawn but reason b strikes again :P Geo decided we should do it by hand; we started (and by we, I mean, GEO) busting up the grass today and the kids and I started getting the dirt free of weeds and grass chunks. I have pics of all of that and after the garden is completely dug up, I'll post before and after pics; however tonight I want you to see who the real hard worker in this family is...

Here we have farmer George (oddly enough, George MEANS farmer in Greek) working hard at breaking up the land...

Annnnnd here are the other three Witkowski's dinking around when we should have been working...oops :D



And there you have it; Geo is the worker of the bunch and we are the play-ers :)


Unknown said...

Those are great photos, the epitomy of happiness :)

I can't wait to watch your garden grow again this year!

Erica said...

Yeah, last year Michael got charged with the task of turning our garden by hand......this year renting a rototiller is going to be a priority I think.....


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