Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for meeting others moms who "get it" One of Gabe's classmates came over last night and his mom and I got to talking and an hour later we realized none of the kids had had dinner yet and it was time for them to go. In addition to being the momma of a kindergartner (one of the cutest I've seen!!) she also has a 14 year old son with Autism and runs the local Parents As Advocates group. Her son treats Gabe as his equal; there's no pity there for the "poor disabled kid" and since she volunteers in the classroom she was able to give me a bit of insight into the class dynamic. She told me Gabe is gentle, kind, and well liked; there are very shy children in his class and he is always reaching out to them and making them feel more comfortable; she went on further to say that no one seems to know or to care about Gabe's spina bifida, except when he's casted and then they try to help make him as comfortable as possible. I'm thankful for parents who raise their children to see PEOPLE not conditions...and hope that I'm as successful as she has been!

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