This morning I am particularly thankful for laughter.
One of the things I love most about Geo is his sense of humor, he never fails to make me laugh, regardless of the situation. Last night he and I had a pillow fight and giggled like two little kids.
My kids have great senses of humor as well and I'm thankful for that. Gabe and I have a running joke about pickles; he cannot STAND them and I constantly tease him about it. The other day when he was planting the dill he said "well I guess this means I HAVE to like pickles, huh?" Then he made a face and laughed.
Laughter is the best medicine, it will cure what ails ya' and for that I am thankful.
HAHA! JD and I were throwing clothes at each other giggling like two kids last night. Too funny.
Sure beats the pots and pans grandma was throwing at me!!
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